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BEAUTY - Orchids phalaenopsis

A flower symbol of refinement and sensual beauty. The flowers of this orchid resemble the wings of a wonderful butterfly. "Phalaenopsis", in fact, means "like a butterfly". His version with white flowers, in this composition, is combined with a romantic red heart.

In the language of flowers, giving a phalaenopsis orchid means sending a real message of love to the most important person. If you are wondering what to give to your girlfriend or wife, an orchid is the right choice.

When to give it as a gift:

There is no better gift than an orchid to tell a woman that you find her fascinating and sensual. On any occasion, giving an on'orchid is confessing one's feelings to a woman, entrusting flowers with an original declaration of love, expressing one's passion.

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PiantaOrchid plant Phalaenopsis

Erbacea decorative green

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