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Bouquet of Anemones and Buttercups
The bouquet of Anemones and Buttercups is perfect to celebrate a love or friendship or even for Mother's Day. Send home the bouquet of Anemones and Buttercups wherever you want.
The Bouquet of Anemones and Buttercups is the perfect thought to celebrate a love or friendship or even for Mother's Day.
With its soft colors and sweet composition of flowers, the Bouquet of Anemones and Buttercups tells of a pure and candid good.
Curiosities about Anemone
According to legend, the Anemone was born from the tears shed by Venus for the death of the beloved Adonis.
Anemone is a genus of perennial plant, with a large and resistant stem and fragile corollas. For this reason the Anemone is also known as the flower of the Wind.
The main characteristic of the Anemone are its jagged petals and bright colors.
Curiosities about the Buttercup
Buttercup means small frog. The flower owes its name to the marshy place where in the past it grew spontaneously.
There is an ancient tradition that, during Holy Week, the buttercup is brought as a gift to Our Lady. In fact, legend has it that Jesus collected from heaven the most beautiful and luminous stars and transformed them into flowers with which to pay homage to the Mother.
The buttercup is characterized by the particular arrangement of the petals and by the vivid, bright colors.