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POSITIVITY - Bundle of sunflowers

It is impossible not to associate the sunflower with a cheerful and carefree meaning, able to infuse joy and cheerfulness. Giving a sunflower bouquet means first of all wishing positivity. Thanks to their shape, which resembles a shining sun.

When to give it as a gift:

The sunflower is also the ideal flower to give for a graduation or an important milestone because it symbolizes victory and success. If you are looking for a bouquet of flowers to give for your mother's birthday or for a friend's birthday, have no doubt: with sunflower it is impossible to go wrong.

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Additional information

Effettuiamo la consegna nel giorno indicato nell’ordine dalle 8.00 alle 22.00. L’orario non è vincolante, la consegna sarà ritenuta valida nell’arco delle 24 ore dei giorni lavorativi. Per uteriori informazioni consultare Termini e Condizioni


Fiore Sunflowers, White Freesia

Erbacea Green Trek

VAT excluded
For shipments abroad contact 0833.182744 or 3703031848